The Singularity: The End of Sci-Fi?

singularity.specrepThe coming Singularity… the threshold where we will essentially surpass all our current restrictions and embark on an uncertain future. For many, its something to be feared, while for others, its something regularly fantasized about. On the one hand, it could mean a future where things like shortages, scarcity, disease, hunger and even death are obsolete. But on the other, it could also mean the end of humanity as we know it.

As a friend of mine recently said, in reference to some of the recent technological breakthroughs: “Cell phones, prosthetics, artificial tissue…you sci-fi writers are going to run out of things to write about soon.” I had to admit he had a point. If and when he reach an age where all scientific breakthroughs that were once the province of speculative writing exist, what will be left to speculate about?

Singularity4To break it down, simply because I love to do so whenever possible, the concept borrows from the field of quantum physics, where the edge of black hole is described as a “quantum singularity”. It is at this point that all known physical laws, including time and space themselves, coalesce and become a state of oneness, turning all matter and energy into some kind of quantum soup. Nothing beyond this veil (also known as an Event Horizon) can be seen, for no means exist to detect anything.

The same principle holds true in this case, at least that’s the theory. Originally coined by mathematician John von Neumann in the mid-1950’s, the term served as a description for a phenomenon of technological acceleration causing an eventual unpredictable outcome in society. In describing it, he spoke of the “ever accelerating progress of technology and changes in the mode of human life, which gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue.”

exponential_growth_largeThe term was then popularized by science fiction writer Vernor Vinge (A Fire Upon the Deep, A Deepness in the Sky, Rainbows End) who argued that artificial intelligence, human biological enhancement, or brain-computer interfaces could be possible causes of the singularity. In more recent times, the same theme has been picked up by futurist Ray Kurzweil, the man who points to the accelerating rate of change throughout history, with special emphasis on the latter half of the 20th century.

In what Kurzweil described as the “Law of Accelerating Returns”, every major technological breakthrough was preceded by a period of exponential growth. In his writings, he claimed that whenever technology approaches a barrier, new technologies come along to surmount it. He also predicted paradigm shifts will become increasingly common, leading to “technological change so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history”.

kurzweil-loglog-bigLooking into the deep past, one can see indications of what Kurzweil and others mean. Beginning in the Paleolithic Era, some 70,000 years ago, humanity began to spread out a small pocket in Africa and adopt the conventions we now associate with modern Homo sapiens – including language, music, tools, myths and rituals.

By the time of the “Paleolithic Revolution” – circa 50,000 – 40,000 years ago – we had spread to all corners of the Old World world and left evidence of continuous habitation through tools, cave paintings and burials. In addition, all other existing forms of hominids – such as Homo neanderthalensis and Denisovans – became extinct around the same time, leading many anthropologists to wonder if the presence of homo sapiens wasn’t the deciding factor in their disappearance.

Map-of-human-migrationsAnd then came another revolution, this one known as the “Neolithic” which occurred roughly 12,000 years ago. By this time, humanity had hunted countless species to extinction, had spread to the New World, and began turning to agriculture to maintain their current population levels. Thanks to the cultivation of grains and the domestication of animals, civilization emerged in three parts of the world – the Fertile Crescent, China and the Andes – independently and simultaneously.

All of this gave rise to more habits we take for granted in our modern world, namely written language, metal working, philosophy, astronomy, fine art, architecture, science, mining, slavery, conquest and warfare. Empires that spanned entire continents rose, epics were written, inventions and ideas forged that have stood the test of time. Henceforth, humanity would continue to grow, albeit with some minor setbacks along the way.

The_Meeting_of_Cortés_and_MontezumaAnd then by the 1500s, something truly immense happened. The hemispheres collided as Europeans, first in small droves, but then en masse, began to cross the ocean and made it home to tell others what they found. What followed was an unprecedented period of expansion, conquest, genocide and slavery. But out of that, a global age was also born, with empires and trade networks spanning the entire planet.

Hold onto your hats, because this is where things really start to pick up. Thanks to the collision of hemispheres, all the corn, tomatoes, avocados, beans, potatoes, gold, silver, chocolate, and vanilla led to a period of unprecedented growth in Europe, leading to the Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment. And of course, these revolutions in thought and culture were followed by political revolutions shortly thereafter.

IndustrialRevolutionBy the 1700’s, another revolution began, this one involving industry and creation of a capitalist economy. Much like the two that preceded it, it was to have a profound and permanent effect on human history. Coal and steam technology gave rise to modern transportation, cities grew, international travel became as extensive as international trade, and every aspect of society became “rationalized”.

By the 20th century, the size and shape of the future really began to take shape, and many were scared. Humanity, that once tiny speck of organic matter in Africa, now covered the entire Earth and numbered over one and a half billion. And as the century rolled on, the unprecedented growth continued to accelerate. Within 100 years, humanity went from coal and diesel fuel to electrical power and nuclear reactors. We went from crossing the sea in steam ships to going to the moon in rockets.

massuseofinventionsAnd then, by the end of the 20th century, humanity once again experienced a revolution in the form of digital technology. By the time the “Information Revolution” had arrived, humanity had reached 6 billion people, was building hand held devices that were faster than computers that once occupied entire rooms, and exchanging more information in a single day than most peoples did in an entire century.

And now, we’ve reached an age where all the things we once fantasized about – colonizing the Solar System and beyond, telepathy, implants, nanomachines, quantum computing, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, and bionics – seem to be becoming more true every day. As such, futurists predictions, like how humans will one day merge their intelligence with machines or live forever in bionic bodies, don’t seem so farfetched. If anything, they seem kind of scary!

singularity-epocksThere’s no telling where it will go, and it seems like even the near future has become completely unpredictable. The Singularity looms! So really, if the future has become so opaque that accurate predictions are pretty much impossible to make, why bother? What’s more, will predictions become true as the writer is writing about them? Won’t that remove all incentive to write about it?

And really, if the future is to become so unbelievably weird and/or awesome that fact will take the place of fiction, will fantasy become effectively obsolete? Perhaps. So again, why bother? Well, I can think one reason. Because its fun! And because as long as I can, I will continue to! I can’t predict what course the future will take, but knowing that its uncertain and impending makes it extremely cool to think about. And since I’m never happy keeping my thoughts to myself, I shall try to write about it!

So here’s to the future! It’s always there, like the horizon. No one can tell what it will bring, but we do know that it will always be there. So let’s embrace it and enter into it together! We knew what we in for the moment we first woke up and embraced this thing known as humanity.

And for a lovely and detailed breakdown of the Singularity, as well as when and how it will come in the future, go to And be prepared for a little light reading 😉

9 thoughts on “The Singularity: The End of Sci-Fi?

  1. You’re welcome. And did you notice a lot of that change was accompanied by death & destruction? If we reach the Singularity, will that possibly mean the end of humanity in some form or another?

    1. Totally. That’s the counter argument, or perhaps supplementary of Arthur Koestler. He pointed out that all major advances didn’t result in more civility. Gutenberg Bible = Reformation Wars. Atomic Science = Atomic Weapons. Industrial Revolution = World War I. The list goes on…

  2. Science aside, we’re a long way from the singularity. First of all, we still have many populations barely touched by technological progress. Secondly, indigenous people, even while accepting some of technology, hold onto their spiritual and earth ceremonies and languages, and as a Buddhist I Know that all of this material “progress” is the continuing illusion, Consciousness can not be created and – as energy – will never be destroyed. So, in that sense, it’s all science fiction. 🙂

    1. Do you know this, or is it a matter of belief? I ask because it’s important to address these things seriously given the rate of change and the way it’s penetrating into areas one thought to be sacrosanct and impenetrable.

      As for people who have resisted technology, while it may be true that “progress” is not evenly distributed, the general trend of penetration and change cannot be denied. It’s been growing increasingly difficult for anyone to remain “untouched” by technology in the modern age, not unless they can manage to isolate themselves entirely.

      As for the mind, which cannot be destroyed or created, how can you be sure? Already, Google has demonstrated that it’s possible to create a computerized neural net that is capable of reasoning, the only difference with a human mind is the size and complexity and that’s likely to change. Regardless of whether we think of the mind as something intangible, the memories and basic neural patterns can also be reproduced digitally, giving rise to a sentient digital being.

      All of this raises the issues of what we consider to be human. If we can do this, will it rob a human being of their essential dignity? Is this a line we should cross, never mind if we can? And if this is a harmful trend overall, how do we stop it? Saying it’s not going to happen or isn’t an issue simply won’t do, because it’s becoming realer every day.

      1. I do not deny science or the progress of technology nor that it has not touched mostly everyone. I’m saying people have choices in what they use and I do know cultures that are choosing to hold onto the centuries old traditions that keep them human – as the name of most Indigenous Nations means human beings. And the mind I am talking about is the Buddhist concept of mind, which does transcend anything material. And this is a discussion I’m not qualified to explain, but check out some of the discussions the Dalai Lama has had with scientists to get a glimpse of what I mean.

      2. Well, this is what I’m worried about. If there is a transcendent mind and sense of being, what’s to happen to it if and when people do decide to begin uploading their minds to software? And people will feel compelled to undergo the latest augmentations just to keep up. And I worry that those cultures which have maintained their traditional ways of life, who are already finding themselves marginalized and pressured, are going to be more so. It’s a scary prospect. And for all our sakes, I hope you’re right 🙂

  3. The huge gulf of change that I have seen in my life is non-existant to sister’s children. It is all they have known. As advancement seems to be going faster and faster, who knows what it will be like for their children. I think the outlook may be very different in so many ways that it is possible that they will start thinking up things of which we can’t begin to dream. It will be fascinating to see.

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